artist unknown

☆melon’s comm info sheet !!☆

this style is the one I use most often ! I have the most experience with it and translating a character to this style is easiest for me

types (one character)colorlineartsketch
full body$80$40$20
half body$60$30$15
bust / icon$40$20$10

I have been experimenting with this one lately ! it is much faster for me to churn out and it's quite fun !

types (one character)colorlineartsketch
full body$30$15$7
half body$20$10$5
bust / icon$10$5$3

payment methods: paypal or venmo, just ask ! (i also do idv gifting :P)
additional characters: depending on the detail it varies, however it wouldn't be more than $30 extra at the most rendered level
backgrounds: I typically do flat colors or a simple pattern but with some discussing I could do more !
schedule: I will tell you before hand what my school schedule is like and throughout my process I will send you updates and WIPs
overall: all the prices stated previously are not solid! I am quite flexible and depending on the character's detail or simplicity the price can go up or down!
socials: my discord is Purin#5251, twitter is @m3lonb0y, tiktok is @m3ionnn, and instagram is @_melonboy_

thank you for reading !! :D